(Aurora, CO) – The 2017 Lone Wolf Classic was held at Aurora Quest Academy on April 22nd, 2017. Improbably, it once again snowed, although this time it was just early in the morning during setup. After asking “What are the odds” so many times in a row, Master Bill Pottle actually calculated the odds conservatively at 1 in 500.
Nonetheless, the tournament was a great success, with 315 competitors and participants registered from 3 countries and 5 states. The new event this year was Totem Forms, where one person does the hand techniques of a form while the other does the stances. Although there were only 8 competitors, it garnered a lot of compliments and applause.
Master Kunkel’s ALL TKD continued their streak of demo team victories, defeating Team Xtreme in the Championship Demo Division.
Elementary League Results – . In our 6th season, we have a new champion! Congratulations to Ins Paola Andrea and MDM Taekwondo! Although they were the clear winner, the competition for 2-4th places was fierce, with only a couple of points separating the winners. Congratulations to CVA Taekwando Team, Aurora Quest TKD, and Carbon Valley Academy (under Ins. Dean Leverett). These are just the top 7 teams.
All in all the tournament was a positive experience for those who participated. The Phoenix Medal was a big hit, and may make a comeback. Next on tap is the 2018 White Tiger Championships!